Each home-church will develop its own expression of their faith in Jesus. Typically it might:
> worship God
> celebrate the Lord's Supper
> spend time in God's presence, waiting to hear His voice
> pray
> share a meal
> discuss current affairs from a scriptural viewpoint
> study the Bible regarding a subject of interest, eg: the Rapture, the role of Israel
> visit other Believers
> visit meetings where known Bible teachers are speaking
> share their faith with anyone they are in contact with
The emphasis is on a close and living relationship with God and with each other.
Meetings may be held in the same home most of the time, but may also rotate between homes according to the circumstances.
Each meeting is spontaneously agreed, and not held according to a fixed timetable. Place, date and time are flexible to
meet the needs of the fellowship. Frequency is "as frequently as practicable" but preferably at least weekly.
All present take joint responsibility for what happens, allowing everyone to contribute according to the leading of the
Spirit. No-one is designated "leader" except Jesus. Pastors or elders are not "ordained" but may emerge
from the Body according to their giftings, by common consent. There are no "positions", no hierarchy of authority.
Each person is responsible to God for their gifts and tithes, not to a group account.
The only "rule book" is the Bible. There are no "orders of service" or prescribed words for specific